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HR Crisis Support

When unexpected workplace situations pop up, or festering employee issues come to a head, you can rely on our years of experience and industry expertise to guide you through the problem.

Our HR SOS Crisis Support is the easiest way for business owners and managers to navigate sticky and unexpected employee situations appropriately and in compliance with employment legislation all while considering team engagement.

HR SOS Crisis Support can be used in situations such as:

  • Performance issues that require immediate attention and action - I think my employee is stealing from the company, what do I do? My employee wants to change their work schedule due to childcare obligations. Am I required to oblige?

  • Terminations – This person is not a good fit for my company, what are my options?

  • Investigations – An employee has alleged that their supervisor has been harassing them. How do I handle this situation? (Or, can you handle the investigation for us?)

  • Safety Concerns – The Ministry of Labour (MOL) dropped by unexpectedly and issued orders. HELP!

  • Workplace Safety Insurance (WSIB) Issues – An accident just happened on the shop floor. The employee is on the way to the hospital. What is a Form 7? How do I fill it out? How and when can the employee come back to work?

  • HR administration and operation questions - What is the best HR software for my company? How do I issue an ROE?

Crisis support services will provide you with the game-plan to navigate through the situation as well as all the compliant documents needed to support and protect you and your business.

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