What would you do if following a workplace accident, your employee is absent?
First, can you answer these questions:
When was the last time a management member contacted the worker? What was said and was it documented?
Have you received a functional abilities form from their doctor? If not, has it been requested?
Has a modified work offer letter been presented to them?
If the answer to any of these 3 questions is, “I don’t know.” Take them as your action plan.
Tips for Managing Return to Work Efforts Following a Workplace Accident
Document the date and time you contacted or attempted to contact the worker.
Make sure you have an updated Functional Abilities Form (FAF) on hand from their doctor. (They are required to provide this).
Make sure you have presented a letter with an offer of modified duties based off of their Functional Abilities Form (FAF) with suitable work. (This is a requirement of WSIB for an employer). Verification that they have received this letter is essential, so presenting in person or by certified mail is best.
If you don’t have an FAF, estimate what their restrictions may be and provide an offer letter to them based on those.
If you are unfamiliar with an Employer’s requirements in a WSIB situation, or if your documents are not easily on hand, give us a call. We can make sure your WSIB & Return to Work programs are solid and ability focused.
***The content on this website is intended only to provide a summary and general overview on matters of interest. It is not intended to be comprehensive nor does it constitute legal advice. We attempt to ensure that the Content is current but we do not guarantee its currency. You should seek legal or other professional advice before acting or relying on any of the Content.